Elevation attributed plane

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Elevation attributed plane

Georock 3D is based on the three-dimensional definition of the surface through a dimensioned plane.

Defining a correctly quoted plan is indispensable as it is the predominant data of the analysis.

Therefore, it is advisable to use software for the generation of the plan quoted with triangulation techniques of the incremental Delaunay type or with anisotropic triangulation.

The Trispace software produced by Geostru software is a tool specially created for 3D analysis of the territory, which allows you to generate sophisticated meshes with many analysis options, including incremental and anisotropic triangulation.

It is also possible to extract three-dimensional points from 3D cartographies through G.A.A (Geostru Autocad Applications) which can be triangulated with dedicated software.

Also, the reading format of the quoted plane is text, each line contains the coordinates of the triangle in the format [x,y,z] [x,y,z] [x,y,z].





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