Raster image

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Raster image

A raster image can be inserted in the project only after importing the elevation attributed plan.

The import procedure starts with the choice of the jpg image file that contains the representation to be included in the project. The calibration of the image to use starts through a guided procedure when the "Start Calibration" button is pressed. The user is asked to select with the mouse two points on the map with known coordinates, expressed in same reference system used for the elevation attributed plan.




The coordinates must be expressed in the same reference system used for the elevation attributed plan.

To obtain a correct calibration of the map is necessary to select two points not close to each other and arranged diagonally.

Through the "Tools" menu of the main window the user is given the option to delete the imported image, to re-import or view the properties.  

We included an import example in the Raster Import. The digital model has been realized through GeoStru Maps.





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