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Into this column may be recorded data on piezometers used in the borehole: electric, open pipe and Casagrande.

The open pipe piezometer is represented with a bollard, while that of Casagrande with a gray rectangle.

To insert one of these instruments click in the Tools pane, and drag it to this column. Parameters that can be entered in the dialog window that appears are: Inclinometer/Piezometer, depth, type, Casagrande depth where relevant.

The user can enter an unlimited number of piezometers. On the column header it shows the number of the element (1,2,3, ..) followed by the code P/I that identifies whether it is a piezometer or an inclinometer.

The column is customized in templates editor.



Open pipe piezometer




Casagrande piezometer





Electric piezometer



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