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For every basin defined by GRAPHIC INPUT or NUMERIC INPUT, after triangularisation, the program performs a series of computations that define the basin's morphological aspects returning its principal proprieties (area, perimeter, average altitude, average inclination) and its 2D properties (river's axis length, average inclination, etc.)
Running through the list of sub basins for every delimiting break point, the following properties are displayed:
The basin's surface in Km²; the basin is defined by the watershed boundary and the break point line ideally extended, in both directions, to the intersection with the watershed boundary.
Center of gravity coordinates
The basin's Center of gravity X and Y coordinates in function of the Cartesian axis system in use.
Basin's perimeter expressed in Km.
Altitude (Max, Medium, Min)
Views the basin's maximum, medium and minimum altitude. The medium altitude can be calculated with the weighted average of the heights or by the Hypsographical curve, selectable from the General Data in the Data Input menu.
Maximum length
Basin's width corresponding to the planimetric extent.
Average inclination
Basin's average inclination as calculated.
Form factor
Drainage density
Hierarchic order
Corresponding to the basin, its linear proprieties can be viewed:
Main reach length
Main reach length for the current basin whose origin is the basin's origin and end the delimiting break point line.
Closure break point elevation
Displays elevation of reach bed of the delimitation break point.
Average inclination of the main reach
The average inclination of the main reach calculated from the average inclination of each individual single reach.
Displays the time of concentration of the basin calculated with the user's selected options in General Data from the Data Input menu.