Gravity wall

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Gravity wall

The crushing verification of the elevation-foundation shelf attachment section is carried out taking into account the acting forces (bending moment and normal stress).

In the summary table given in relation (stresses on the wall) the actions refer to the center of gravity of the relevant section.

The eccentricity is calculated from the relation :


Using the eccentricity thus calculated, u is determined or the distance between the point of application of the result of vertical actions Fy and the outer edge of the foundation:



If u < B/3 and e > B/6, the result of the vertical actions Fy is external to the central core of inertia, the section is partialized and the maximum compression stress is calculated from the relation:



If u > B/3 and e < B/6, the result of the vertical actions Fy is internal to the central core of inertia, the section is fully compressed, the maximum compression voltage is:



also u = B/3 and e= B/6, it coincides with the central core of inertia, the section is entirely stressed by compression with triangular diagram, the maximum compression stress is given by:






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