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• Guida pratica alla risposta sismica locale 1D


Practical Guide to Local Seismic Response 1D was created with the intention of providing a basic, though very superficial, understanding of all the components that come into play in local seismic response studies. Therefore, the topics that will be addressed give an overview, although not completely exhaustive, of the operational tools necessary for an adequate understanding of the aspects of the seismic problem directly or indirectly related to the effects of local seismic response, and of the methods of carrying out studies to determine them in a multidisciplinary logic. It is hoped that this book will be of assistance to those who, starting from a poor basic knowledge of the problem, wish to have an understanding of the issues to be addressed. The final part of the book will also provide an example of how to conduct a one-dimensional local seismic response study with the help of GeoStru software's RSL III software for numerical analysis.



• Methods for estimating the geotechnical properties of the soil


Methods for estimating the geotechnical properties of the soil: semi-empirical correlations of geotechnical parameters based on in-situ soil tests.

This text is designed for all professionals who operate in the geotechnical subsurface investigation. The purpose of this text is to provide an easy reference tool relatively to the means available today.

Theoretical insights have been avoided, for which please refer to the bibliography attached, except in cases where these were considered essential for the understanding of the formulation. The reason for this is obvious: make the text as easy to read as possible.

After a brief introduction about volumetric and density relationships with the most common definitions used for soils, in the following chapters we briefly described some of the most widespread in situ geotechnical testing and correlations to derive empirically geotechnical parameters and a number of useful formulations available today in the field of Geology.

The text concludes with the inclusion of formulas used in Technical Geology, considered of daily use to those working in the sector.

The topics are intended to provide a basic understanding of the in situ geotechnical testing and evaluation of geotechnical parameters necessary to define the geotechnical model.



• TERRAE MOTUS Conoscere per prevenire


Terrae Motus Conoscere per Prevenire (from the Latin terrae motus, i.e. ‘movement of the earth’) is a text aimed for professionals and teachers in schools of all levels, to help them deal with the themes of seismic risk, with general information and useful advice on how to cope better with such an event.

The book includes 11 chapters: (1.0 INTRODUCTION, 2.0 HOW AN EARTHQUAKE ORIGINS, 3.0 THE EARTH'S INTERNAL CONFORMATION, 3.0.1 THE OUTER crust, 3.0.2 THE MANTLE, 3.0.3 THE CORE, 4.0 THE THEORY OF TECTONIC PLATES, 5.0 THE SLAGS, 6.0 THE SEISMIC WAVES, 7.0 THE TOOLS TO MEASURE AN EARTHQUAKE, 8. 0 HOW TO MEASURE AN EARTHQUAKE, 8.0.1 Macroseismic intensity scales, 8.0.2 Magnitude, 9.0 EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION, 10.0 THE SEISMIC RISK, 10.0.1 Seismic hazard, 10.0.2 Seismic vulnerability, 10.0.3 Exposure, 11.0 SEISMIC RISK MITIGATION, 11.0.1 Standards of behaviour).



risposta_sismica_locale soil cover-terrae-motus