Dynamic Probing

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Dynamic Probing


Software used for Dynamic Penetration Tests, that is the reading, recording, interpretation, storage and the management of any type of penetrometer including new or custom equipment and of in borehole SPT readings.


Dynamic Probing provides functions for the archiving of readings by site and for automatic calculation of the real energy transmitted, including correction for warp and the correlation coefficient with SPT (standard reference tests for geomechanic calculations and geotechnic correlations).





Processing the tests for the computation of bearing capacity of shallow foundations using numerous methods, for the calculation of various geometries (Strip Footings, Mat foundations, Spread footings, etc.) and related settlements, the verification of driven piles and the definition of the liquefaction potential of soils subject to seismic forces. The graphics of the stratigraphic columns can be exported in Slope, LoadCap, MP (Piles and Micropiles); in particular, for the last two applications, are also exported the geotechnical parameters as results of the processing.


Processing of data is instantaneous, deriving the values of Ndp & Rd and immediately generating a graphic display. In addition, the software proposes discrete layer boundaries and enables bitmaps or colors to be assigned for lithologic coding.



The software has a database of commonly used test equipments:

• Borro

• DIN 4

• DPM (DL030 10) (Medium)

• DPM (DL030 16) (Medium)


• DPL (Light)

• DPSH (Dynamic Probing Super Heavy)

• SCPT (Standard Cone Penetration Test)

• SPT (Standard Penetration Test)



• DPM (DL 030 SUNDA)


• PENNY 30

• Geo Deep Drill (DPH50, DPSH63-73)

• Nordmeyer (LMSR-X model)


User equipment: Any type of custom equipement can be added *


* Any other type of equipment may be added and/or removed to those precoded. For each new equipment added the correlation coefficient is calculated automatically.


For the calculation of N60, N1,60 are required: CE (energy correction factor ), Cn (overburden correction factor),  Cr (rod length correction factor which depends on the total length of the drill rod), Cb (bore-hole diameter correction factor and its is set according to the selected diameter from the drop down list), Cs (liner correction factor).



The list of equipments can be exported in xml or txt format and imported in installation locations other than the local PC.



Dynamic Probing features a clear and straightforward processing of readings obtained on site.



As the user enters the number of blows for each penetration step, the sampler bit coefficient, reduced, and non reduced as well as dynamic resistance on the layer are calculated; also a bar diagram for the number of blows and a graphic representation of the progress of dynamic resistance are shown.



Even more simple is the definition of the layers: the user can define the stratigraphy (layer depth and lithological characterization) numerically or graphically as the software allows the interactivity between the dialog boxes.



Dynamic Probing features a clear and straightforward processing of readings obtained on site.

New readings may be inserted at any point, assigning the cartesian position coordinates (X and Y), the initial depth (Z), the final depth, the ground water table depth if any, as well as the date. For each site an indefinite number of readings may be recorded and the correlations suggested developed. Each reading is easily identified visually thanks to the legend and display graphics of dynamic resistance and number of blows.



The geotechnic parameters of particular significance for terrain characterization may be indicated by the user. The litho logic cases that originate the numerous correlations accompanying the program, enable the user to characterize an extensive variety of terrains. The user is further provided with tools to select for use those correlations judged to most nearly reflect to the litho types actually encountered. The parameters that are the outcome of the computation are:


Cohesive terrains

• Undrained cohesion (Terzaghi-Peck, SUNDA (1983)-Benassi Vannelli, Sanglerat, TERZAGHI & PECK (1948), U.S.D.M.S.M., Schmertmann (1975), Fletcher (1965), Houston (1960), Shioi – Fukui (1982), Begemann, De Beer, Robertson (1983))

• Oedometric modulus (Stroud e Butler (1975), Vesic (1970), Trofimenkov (1974), Mitchell e Gardner, Buisman-Sanglerat)

• Young’s modulus (Schultze-Menzenbach, D’Appollonia ed altri 1983)

• Unit volume weight (Meyerhof ed altri)

• Others


Cohesionless soils

• Relative density (Gibbs & Holtz (1957), Meyerhof (1957), Skempton (1986), Schultze & Menzenbach (1961))

• Friction angle (Peck-Hanson-Thornburn-Meyerhof (1956), Meyerhof (1956), Sowers (1961), Malcev (1964), Meyerhof (1965), Schmertmann (1977), Mitchell & Katti (1981), Shioi-Fukuni (1982), Japanese National Railway, De Mello, Owasaki & Iwasaki)

• Oedometric modulus (Buisman-Sanglerat, Begemann (1974), Farrent (1963), Menzenbach e Malcev)

• Young’s modulus (Terzaghi, Schmertmann (1978), Schultze-Menzenbach, D’Appollonia ed altri (1970), Bowles (1982))

• Poisson’s modulus (A.G.I.)

• Shear deformation modulus (Ohsaki & Iwasaki, Robertson and Campanella (1983))

• Weight by unit volume (Meyerhof ed altri)

• Classification (A.G.I.)

• Shear wave velocity

• Liquefactive potential (Seed (1979))

• Ko modulus (Navfac (1971-1982))

• Others


New correlations for: N60, N160,  Modulus oedometric stress-dipendent in according: EC7, DIN 4094-3



For each sampling, based on the user selected soil type (Cohesive or Non cohesive), computation is performed layer by layer. Thereafter for each layer the parameters of all the proposed correlation parameters are calculated, particularly highlighting the ones favored by the user.

For each layer, the number of blows, depth, the correlation applied and the calculated geotechnic parameter value may be exported.



The results are exported in tabular and graphical format. For each test is created a table where are inserted the results of the tests chosen previously by the user preceded by the identification data of the test (order number, date, etc.) and by the characteristics of the equipement used, as well as the data related to the site (project title, location, engineer, etc.). The tables can be associated with the graphs of the number of blows and of the dynamic resistance. It is also available the possibility to build the stratigraphic column corresponding to each test.



Dynamic Probing calculates the bearing capacity and settlement of surface foundations utilizing a number of methods and additionally calculates the liquefaction potential of non coherent layers.



Dynamic Probing enables the automatic generation sections from test data using the ‘Sections’ module. A command enables the selection of those tests on which the generation of the sections is based and to open the new application. (The same procedure can be used from the GeoStru program ‘Static Probing’; the counterpart of Dynamic Probing for Static penetrometers).

The Sections module is actually a stand alone section editor within, which sections can be created. Further it enables an import of stratigraphic columns originating from the GeoStru programs ‘Stratigrapher’.

‘Sections’ is interfaced with GeoStru program Slope,such that the sections generated can be read as input by this program in order to perform an analysis of their stability.



For a minimum of three tests, Dynamic Probing is able to perform the three-dimensional reconstruction of the stratigraphy.







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