Hydraulic test

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Hydraulic test

In the hydraulic test, different quantities are calculated according to the type of stilling device adopted. Depending on the different cases, the expected results of the hydraulic calculation are the following:


Basin not coated with auxiliary dam


z0 [m]

Rise in the upstream water level

zg [m]

Water level on the notch (NB: the water on the notch flows under critical state conditions)

zv [m]

Reattachment level of the fluid vein on the face downstream

z1 [m]

Water level downstream the weir

fb [m]

Soil profile level at the distance of maximum excavation (maximum excavation depth)

z2 [m]

Rise in the water level immediately upstream the auxiliary dam

zum [m]

Current level downstream the weir under uniform motion conditions

lbmin [m]

Basin minimum length

hcbmin [m]

Minimum height of the auxiliary dam



Embankment basin, coated with aux. dam


z0 [m]

Rise in the upstream water level

zg [m]

Water level on the notch (NB: the water on the notch flows under critical state conditions)

zv [m]

Reattachment level of the fluid vein on the downstream face

z1 [m]

Water level downstream the weir

z2 [m]

Rise in the water level immediately upstream the auxiliary dam

zum [m]

Current level downstream the weir under uniform motion conditions

lbmin [m]

Basin minimum length

hcbmin [m]

Minimum height of the auxiliary dam



Depression basin, coated with auxiliary dam


z0 [m]

Rise in the upstream water level

zg [m]

Water level on the notch (NB: the water on the notch flows under critical state conditions)

zv [m]

Reattachment level of the fluid vein on the downstream face

z1 [m]

Water level downstream the weir

z2 [m]

Rise in the water level immediately upstream the auxiliary dam

Zum [m]

Current level downstream the weir under uniform motion conditions

lbmin [m]

Basin minimum length

hcbmin [m]

Minimum height of the auxiliary dam


Absence of basin and auxiliary dam


z0 [m]

Rise in the upstream water level

zg [m]

Water level on the notch (NB: the water on the notch flows under critical state conditions)

zv [m]

Reattachment level of the fluid vein on the downstream face

zum [m]

Current level downstream the weir under uniform motion conditions.




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