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The service is based on an annual subscription with almost all Geostru software available. Requirement to access the service is to have read and signed in full the license agreement of the service.

They are part of Gesotru 365:



Bearing capacity and settlments - LoadCap


Loadcap is a software for the bearing capacity and settlements computation on rocks and loose soils, according to the methods of: Terzaghi (1955), Meyerhof (1963), Hansen (1970), Vesic (1975), Brinch-Hansen (1970), Richards et al. (1993), Meyerhof and Hanna (1978).


User manual

Stratigraphic columns – STRATIGRAPHER


The new version of Stratigrapher enables the construction of stratigraphic columns for geological or geotechnical use having models for Wells, SPT, CPT, MASW and Liquefaction. The availability of multiple pages layout allows a detailed representation of surveys at great depths.  BIM COMPATIBLE (AGS).


User manual

DeepFound – Cedimenti Di Platee Pilate


Bearing capacity and settlements of mat foundations on piles. The software DeepFound offerrs the possibility to calculate the settlements of mat foundations on piles using the computation method PDR proposed by Poulus (2000) deriving from the combination of the methods Poulus and Davis (1980) and the method Randolph (1994).

Downhole – Interpretazione Delle Prove Downhole


The downhole seismic method (DH) measures the time taken for the P and S waves to move between a seismic source located on the surface of the ground, and the receivers, placed inside a borehole.


User manual

Geological and Geotechnical formulas – Geostru Formula


With GeoStru Formula we created a practical and support software tool for all professionals in the geological and geotechnical field. The software solves all kinds of problems from the classification of soil interpretation of static and dynamic tests at the calculation of the earth thrusts. Hundreds of correlations have been included with formulas in extended form and comparison charts. A graphical database that can be shared among users is also available, containing dozens of geotechnical properties and hundreds of materials.

Geostru PS Advanced – Base and Site Seismic Hazard


Geostru PS - Advanced, produces an accurate automatic seismic hazard report for a site:


Automatic site localization

Basic seismic hazard

Seismic hazard of site

Seismic history of the site

Representation of elastic and design spectra. Calculation of kinematic and inertial seismic coefficients

Preparation of an accurate calculation report according to C10 Specialist Reports

Automatically generate seismic files for import into other GEOSTRU software

GDW –Gabion walls gabion and concrete weirs


Software for the design and analysis of gabion walls, simple concrete weirs and gabion weirs in static ad seismic conditions.

GDW has advanced graphics features including the three-dimensional view through which you can examine in detail the inputsmade.

The global stability analysis if performed with GSA – GSA (Global Stability Analysis)


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User manual

HYDROLOGIC RISK – Hydraulic-Hydrological risk


Hydrologic Risk program allows the determination of the Hydrologic and Hydraulic risk in a basin or courses confluent to a main river trunk.

The characteristics of the discrete elements (basin, course etc.) in terms of affluence and effluence quantitively and temporally can be determined and thereby the flood flow rate of segments under consideration is derived.

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User manual

Soil liquefaction analysis – Liquiter


LIQUITER software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis and supports a wide variety of field tests. The results of the analysis are presented as:


•  Factor of Safety against Liquefaction / Liquefaction Potential Index

•  Cyclic mobility of clay

•  Liquefaction of sand and clay

•  CSR, variable CSR with depth from SHAKE results

•  Reconsolidation Settlement, Lateral Spreading

•  Residual Strength


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Retaining walls software – MDC


MDC is a software product for the design and analysis of reinforced concrete retaining walls either resting on their own foundation or on piles, optionally supported by tiebacks.

The geotechnical computation employs the standard geotechnical methods subject to user choice and carries out the verifications prescribed by the selected standard, amongst which global stability even in seismic conditions. Structural evaluations performs reinforcements sizing and verification with Ultimate Limit State or Allowable Tensions.


MDC is simple and intuitive but with amazing features including: pre-design work, easy management of the combinations: GEO, STR, GLOBAL STABILITY , localization and automatic import of seismic parameters, displacements analysis in dynamic field, reinforcements editor, Import and export of works that should fall in stabilization operations.


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User manual

Pile and Micropile – MP


Pile and micropile software is intended for calculation of the bearing capacity of the foundation terrain of a pile or micropile (Screw-piles) bearing loads in whatever distribution (moment, normal force, shear). Structural calculation yielding dimensions of longitudinal steel struts, interval and size of rings is also performed.


User manual

Geotechnical characteristic parameters – CVSOIL


CVSoil is a complete and innovative tool for the determination of geotechnical characteristic parameters according to a probabilistic approach, considering the statistical quantities obtained from a suitable sample of tests.


User manual

Pumping tests – WTA


Interpretation of the data relevant to the pumping tests.


Through these tests it is possible to calculate the main hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer such as the specific flow, the coefficient of permeability, the transmissibility ad the coefficient of storage. The test can be executed both on single wells and on testing stations.

Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves – Easy MASW


Easy MASW is a new software for the interpretation and archiving of seismic data using the MASW method (Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves). It is a very easy-to-use application that, with simple steps, performs the analysis of the shear waves velocities Vs.


User manual

Static penetration tests -STATIC PROBING


Software for the processing and archiving of static penetration tests with mechanical cone CPT, electric cone CPTE and piezocone CPTU. The lithological and stratigraphic interpretation methods are developed for a step chosen by the user, even centimetric, with the most successful internationally used and recent methodologies (in addition to the historical ones of Begemann and Schmertmann, the software also uses Robertson, Douglas-Olsen, Koester etc. with standard or “normalized” data of qc and fs).


User manual

Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio - EASY HVSR


Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio – EASY HVSR allows the analysis of the spectral ratio of microtremors recorded with a single-station. The simplicity of use and speed of execution of the calculations allow the user to get immediate results in the estimation of: resonance frequency, stratigraphic profile and equivalent shear wave velocity Vs,eq, all according to the guidelines suggested by the SESAME project.

The software imports SEG2, SAF and ASCII files.


User manual

Rock Mechanics


Rock Mechanics is a suite of 10 rock mechanics software consists of:

Geomechanical Classification: Barton, Bieniawki, with associated Romana, Sen, Robertson, Sing & Goel, Jasarevic & Kovacevic classification.

Stability analysis: Planar sliding, Three-dimensional sliding, Evaluation of the impact force of a boulder, Prediction of the collapse phenomenon in case of earthquake.


The software interfaces with other Geostru rock mechanics software: Georock 2D, Georock 3D, Rocklab, G.M.S. (GeoMechanical Survey) and EgeoCompass (Digital Compass), Geostru MAPS.

Slope stability analysis - Slope


Slope stability software carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both under static and seismic conditions, using the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price, Zeng Liang and (DEM) Discrete elements method for circular and non circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope, examine a gradual failure, and employ various models of force-deformation relationship. Reinforcements with piles, gravity and/or reinforced concrete bracing walls, nettings, geofabrics, anchors, and terracing may be specified. Distributed and point loads may be defined.


User manual

Interpretation of seismic refraction tests - Easy Refract


EasyRefract is the new software from GeoStru dedicated to the interpretation of seismic refraction surveys using the reciprocal method and the generalized reciprocal method (G.R.M.).


User manual

Analysis of rocky elements - RockPlane


RockPlane is a software tool for the evaluation of localized instability rocky elements affected by seismic movements and/or by presence of water pressures within intersurface fractures. The software provides slide and overturning risk safety factors that enable verification of the stability of the block and as required the design of stabilization works using active or passive anchors and nails.


User manual

Dynamic penetration tests - Dynamic Probing


Software used for Dynamic Penetration Tests, that is the reading, recording, interpretation, storage and the management of any type of penetrometer including new or custom equipment and of in borehole SPT readings.


Dynamic Probing provides functions for the archiving of readings by site and for automatic calculation of the real energy transmitted, including correction for warp and the correlation coefficient with SPT (standard reference tests for geomechanic calculations and geotechnic correlations).


Dynamic Probing also BIM compatible with geolocation import ed export in AGS format (Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists)


User manual

Sheet pile wall design - SPW


Sheet walls are relatively thin, vertical structures, embedded in terrain to a depth sufficient to support an uphill embankment/downhill excavation thrust, including water and surcharges.

This type of structure can be constructed of driven prefabricated steel pile sections, adjacent, bored cylindrical piles, and reinforced concrete sheet elements usually produced on site.


The methods used for analysis / verification are: Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) and Finite Elements Method (FEM).


The methods mentioned are of increasing complexity from both the numerical point of view and for the amount of geotechnical parameters necessary for the calculation.


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Earth Small Dams - ESD


Software for the check of earth small dams under both static and seismic conditions.


Checks under: full tank, empty tank, quickly emptied tank.

Hydraulic piping check, determination of the seepage rate through the work, seepage length, saturation line trend.



User manual

Local seismic response III - RSL III


Local Seismic Response RSL III: Software for the evaluation of the local seismic response of level III.


The seismic input, represented by one or more accelerograms, is applied to the bedrock and the wave propagation motion in the direction perpendicular to the surface is evaluated using the dynamic equilibrium equation as a function of displacement. spostamento


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