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In the load window, you can click on the ‘Import from Excel’ button to start the procedure of acquiring test and combination data from an ‘.xlsx’ file.
Formatting excel files
Excel files can have 3 columns (Fmax, Fz and Mmax, not necessarily in that order) or 5 columns (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx and My) as in the example shown.
Each line of the xlsx file will correspond in the software to a combination with a load. In the example case, rows 5 to 34 will become 30 combinations.
The software works with Fmax and Mmax: if you are using a 3-column file, the values of Fmax will be read directly from the corresponding column; in the case of a 5-column file, the value which is greater in absolute value between Fx and Fy will be considered for Fmax, retaining the sign (the same applies to Mmax from Mx and My).
La finestra di importazione
Once you click on ‘Import from Excel’ in the load window, you will see a window essentially divided into two parts: one for input and one for displaying the data read.
After having chosen the .xlsx file to be read, it is necessary to specify the parameters relating to the formatting of the excel file.
•Type of columns F and M: allows you to indicate whether the file has 3 columns (Fmax, Fz, Mmax) or 5 (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My). In the example case, we choose the type with the two separate columns for x and y.
•Number of the first row and number of the last row to be read: this is the range of rows to be read (both ends are included in the reading). In the example case, the rows range from 5 to 34.
•Column names F and M: these are the names of the columns in the Excel file to be read. In the example case, Fx is in column ‘D’, Fy in column ‘E’, Fz in ‘F’, Mx in ‘G’ and My in ‘H’.
Once all parameters have been specified, pressing the ‘Import’ button will process the file to derive the values of F(max) Fz and M(max) as described above. If the data shown in the preview grid are correct, you can proceed with the creation of the new combinations by clicking on the ‘Ok’ button; otherwise, correct the set parameters and repeat the operation.
Once the Excel import window is closed, the new combinations with read load values will be added in the load window.
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