Materials Library

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Materials Library

Archivio_mat_Button This is the button in the Tab bar to open the library of the materials data (the same selecting "Materials Library" from the drop-down RUN menu). In this window all tension are expressed in Mpa (N/mm²).

At starting of the program or of a new calculation this window show the default library which may be amended or extended. To save the library as default library for the next calculations save it with the command  "Set as default". To save the current library (after modifications) only for current section save it with the command "Set for current calc." (this current library is saved together with the data of the section.





Class: Name of the strength class of the concrete by means a string of no more than 10 alphanumeric characters. The normalized classes to edit are those present in the table 3.1 EC2 on the basis of the characteristic cylindrical strength fck and cubic Rck.

Archivio_mat_CheckBox Values based on fck: if this box is checked Ecm, fcm, fcd, fctd, fctm (column with dark background colour) are automatically calculated by program typing the only fck value. Their values are defined on the basis of formulas in table 3.1 EC2, of partial safety factor γc in table 2.1N EC2 and of code setting adopted by user (National Annexes) in the window  dialog "Code and reinforcement options". If the box is not checked you can freely change all the above values.  

Ecm: Mean elastic Ecm modulus (Mpa). In table 3.1 EC2  Ecm = 22000 [(fcm/100]0.3 Mpa  

fcm: Mean compressive cylindrical strength  fcm =  fck + 8

fck: Characteristic compressive cylindrical strength fck

fcd: Design compressive strength fcd = αcc fck / γc  with  γc= 1.5 and αcc = coefficient taking account of long term effects defined in the window Code options (recommended  value 1.0)

fctd: Design tensile strength  fctd = 0,7 fctm / γc

fctm: Design mean tensile strength  fctm = 0.3 (fck)2/3     if  fck ≤ 50 Mpa;   fctm = 2.12 ln[1+ (fcm/10)]   if  fck > 50 Mpa


Creep coeff.: Coefficient φ(t,t0) [eq.(B.1) in B.1 Annex B EC2] used in SLS stress determinations based on  AAEM and  EM method and in SLS deflections calculation. Default value are to be changed in base to the real case study.

Shrinkage coeff.: Coefficient εcs [eq. (3.8) EC2]. Same considerations in above creep coeff.

Aging coeff.: Coefficient  χ(t,t0) used in SLS stress determinations based on  AAEM method and in SLS deflections calculation. For t=∞ use χ=0.8. In EM method χ=1.0

n omog.: Es/Ec used in SLS stress simplified calculation (n = 15 as common default value).

fc max:   max strength of confined concrete in a stress-strain relation Kent-Park type (for ductility check with moment-curvature diagrams)

fc ult:  strength of confined concrete at max compressive confined strain in a stress-strain relation Kent-Park type (for ductility check with moment-curvature diagrams)

ec 0:   compressive strain εc0 at max confined stress in a stress-strain relation Kent-Park type (for ductility check with moment-curvature diagrams)

ec ult: compressive strain εcu   in correspondence of fc ult in a stress-strain relation Kent-Park type (for ductility check with moment-curvature diagrams)





Name: Name of steel grade (string of no more than 10 alphanumeric characters)

Es: Elastic modulus Es. (Es= 200000  is the recommended value in EC2)

fym: Mean yielding stress fym (no indication in EC2). Used in ductility check

fyk: Characteristic (nominal) yielding stress fyk

fyd: Design yielding stress  fyd =  fyk / γs  with  γs= 1.16; this value is not editable as derived automatically from the value assigned to fyk  

ftk: Characteristic nominal tensile strength ftk. This value is never used in program calculation (but only for description). The ratio ftk/fty is regulated for each class (A-B-C) of steel in Annex C EC2.    

ftk/fyk:This ratio ftk/fty , important for steel ductility, is regulated for each class of steel in Annex C EC2. This value is never used in program calculation (but only for description)

e_uk: Characteristic strain at max force εuk (for A class steel ≥ 0.025; for B class steel ≥ 0.025 ; for C class steel ≥ 0.075). It is important to edit this value in accordance with the steel grade

e_ud: Design ultimate strain εud = εuk * ku with ku= reduction factor assigned in Code and reinforcement options (0.9 if the recommended for ku value in EC2). This value is not editable as derived automatically from the values assigned to e_uk and ku  

k: Design ratio ftd/fyd ; if you set k=1 program assume in the design stress-strain diagram an horizontal top branch without strain limit (with a very little difference in results program assumes εud as strain limit);  if you set 1<k≤1.35 program assume in design stress-strain diagram (see fig. 3.8 EC2) an inclined branch with strain limit εud  and max stress k·fyd . Assigned k value must be consistent with nominal ratio ftk/fty