Code and reinforcement options

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Code and reinforcement options

Opzioni_armature_Button This is the button in the Tab bar for quick opening of the following important dialog window (you can open this window also from from drop-down menu Options).

At starting of the program or of a new section this window show the default values which may be amended or extended. To save the options as default for the next calculations save it with the command  "Save code and options as default". To save the current options (after modifications) only for current section save it with the command "Exit" (current options are  saved together with the data of the section.





Code setting


This frame concerns only those parameters (used for r.c. section) that EC2/EC8 left open for national choice in National Annex.

The first drop-down combo box option is the standard EC2 with its recommended parameters. Subsequent options relate to some national annex here assumed.

Code dependent parameters are listed in order according to articles (§) in code. Placing the mouse on a line with code will display some information about the parameters.

In each option selected you may change the single value clearing the pertinent check box: so you can implement your country (or your particular) values also selecting EC2 as annex option.

In the above Tabs you can choose the parameter of interest selecting the number of the EC2/EC8 chapter where the parameter is present.  


Reinforcement options    


Reinforcement diameter in this window are used by the program to design calculation of the reinforcement. Only the first diameter is used for initial default values in input windows.


Af'/Af:  min ratio between compressive longitudinal bar area and the tension one. In seismic zone EC8 fixed precise values for thi ratio depending on the position of the section in the  member

Min net distance for long.reinf.: Min distance between edge bars. For the correct assignment of this value see §8.2 EC2

Default cover: distance between centroid of the bar neatest to the concrete edge and the same concrete edge. For the correct assignment of this value see §4 EC2 and the sub-program Concrete cover

Minimum long. distance between stirrups: minimum pitch in stirrups design for the first diameter in above options; if for such diameter the pitch is not sufficient program assume the second diameter

Cot of angle of struts in torsion: this cot value is assumed as default only for the typology Polygonal section in Torsion. Limiting value are those assigned in above Code setting

Max personal Cot angle of struts in shear: Program assume this value as max limit value for cot value for a much conservative amount of stirrups than EC2 cot recommended value 2.50  

Barre ad aderenza migliorata o barre lisce: questa opzione viene utilizzata solo nel calcolo dell'apertura delle fessure e nel calcolo delle deformazioni in esercizio.

Default step of discretization: for very large sections (i.e. bridge piers) we recommend  to set this value ≥ 1 cm for a much quick calculation.





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