Concrete rheological coefficients

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Concrete rheological coefficients

Calcolo_coefficienti_reologici_Button This is the button in the Tab bar for quick opening of the following dialog window (you can open this window also from from drop-down menu Options).




This is a service sub-program (to select in the principal Tab bar) that calculate the rheological coefficients (creep and shrinkage) with formulas mentioned in § 3.1.4 EC2. These coefficients can be entered in the Materials Library in order to be used by program if AAEM (Age Adjusted Effective Modulus) or EM (Effective Modulus) are selected in General data input for SLS verifications. Creep and shrinkage are, however, always used by program in the SLS deflection calculating of beams in SLS.

Aging coefficient from t0 to t1= can be assumed, with good approximation, always equal to 0.8 (with t0 > 15 days). EM method wants ageing coefficient set to 1. If time t1 is finite χ(t,t0) is calculated by the following semi-empirical relaxation function (Bazant and Kim,1979):






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