Results and diagram Mx-My

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Results and diagram Mx-My



Selecting "Checks" Tab the program calculates and shows for each assigned combinations (ULS and SLS):

- [Main window] the graphical data (with eventual dimensions) of section with the concrete compressive area (red coloured) and the corresponding stress diagram (blue coloured); the gray parallel line (orthogonal to neutral axis) represent the active strips shear resisting.            

- [Checks Tab window] the principal results for Bending and Shear (capacity checks for ULS) and for Bending (stress control and crack widths for SLS).      

- [Information window] the legend of longitudinal bars, the display options and the stress and strain of bars and of concrete vertices selected by mouse.




Command button of the above Checks Tab bar (from left to right):


- comm2        Print Checks.  Print data input and all the checks in a special Text window allowing a comfortable viewing; you can save its text to a file with *. doc, *. rtf, *. txt formats.


- Comm1        Print preview.  Capture the image present in the main window and  paste it in the Microsoft XPS Document Writer (useful to print the diagram directly on paper):  






- Comm3        Copy.    This command copy the image at moment displayed in the main window in the clipboard memory so you can paste it in any document you want

- Comm4        Export Dxf.  You can save in *.dxf file format the image at moment displayed in main window using a dialog box.  





If you select the ULS interaction Mx-My diagram option in Checks window program display the strength diagram Mx-My in the Main window:




The corresponding Information window shows:





In the informations window N, Mx, My text boxes show the values of calculated points of the domain boundary selected on the graph by mouse. Drawing spacings may be modified. Display options can modify the graphical aspect of the diagram.

If you select the ULS N-Mx-My diagram option program display the interaction tridimensional diagram N-Mx-My in the Main window.


