Polygonal sections in Torsion

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Polygonal sections in Torsion

The dialog Tab window for polygonal section (hollow or not) with only torsion force acting is:






As usual in the data input dialog are to be assigned geometrical data of the concrete region (hollow or not), materials data and steel bar (stirrups and longitudinal for torsion only) details (diameter, pitch).

An important input data is the Cot(Theta) where Theta is the angle ϑ of inclined struts in the web (§6.2.3(2) EC2). Cot(Theta) is limited by values assigned in Code and reinforcement options window (National Annex). If the section is also subjected to shear force a rule of standards requires that you must use (in the two separate check) the same value for Cot(Theta); the designed stirrups areas for the two forces (shear and torsion) can be summed and should be checked (manually by the user) with the following interaction relationship about concrete resistance [eq.(6.31) EC2]:


 TEd/TRd,max + VEd/VRd,max  <= 1.00


For predefined section the above check is, instead, automatically performed by the program.





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