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The results are organized in tables, the table "Blocks" is activated if in the "Geometry" section was generated a terraced profile and disposed the insertion of blocks.
The first table shows for each reinforcement the results of the analysis organized as follows:
•the lengths of the facade, the folding lengths, the lengths internal to the wedge, the effective lengths and total lengths of the reinforcement
•pull-out safety factor
•stress in the reinforcement
•failure safety factor
•thrust on the reinforcement
•pull-out resistance
•ultimate strength of the material
Global safety factors for sliding, overturning and limit load of the reinforced earth are shown.
The table "Blocks" is structured as follows:
•positioning of the single block (Cartesian coordinates with respect to the global reference system)
•thrust of the soil on the block
•resistance of the geogrid between block and block
•overturning and sliding safety factor of the block (local checks)
The results of the global verifications are summarized by the values that the global safety factors to sliding, overturning and limit load assume.
When the computation is completed, the software offers in the output file the following diagrams:
•thrust on the reinforcement
•safety factor on the reinforcement
•failure safety factor
•pull-out resistance
•ultimate strength of the material
In "Report" menu, the command "Export in Word" allows the generation of a detailed computation report, in which are shown, in addition to theoretical notes, the results of the analysis in a tabular form.
Selecting the "Close" button, the verification project of the reinforced earth is closed and the user is brought in the main window of Slope to run the stability verifications Tieback and Compound. In the "Computation" menu one must select "Internal verification" and the Tieback and Compound analysis starts. Choosing the command "Internal verifications/Tieback results" the software generates a .doc file in which, at the level of each reinforcement and for the bound points are shown the critical surfaces, the safety factor and the verification type: Tieback or Compound.
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