2.4 - Calculation of the bearing reduction coefficient related to the eccentricity of the load

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2.4 - Calculation of the bearing reduction coefficient related to the eccentricity of the load

The presence of eccentricity may lead to bearing or decompression of the sole leading to a reduction in the effective force transmission surface, hence the introduction of a reduction coefficient ie on the surface of the footing.


The calculation of the eccentricity is described in paragraph 1.1. of this chapter.


The reduction coefficient is calculated according to the shape of the footing, using the formulas given in Table 15.


Strip footing of width B

Spread footing of  width B and length L

Circular footing of diameter







Table 15 : Calculation of the coefficient related to the eccentricity ie according to the shape of the footing [Annex Q]


The effective surface of the sole A' , used for the load-bearing checks of the foundation is given by the following formula:
