Predefined sections

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Predefined sections

Sezioni_predefinite Sezione_L



This dialog window is opened if in General Data Tab you have selected the typology  “Predefined Section”. The expected data are:


Type of calculation: you may choose between the verification (checks) of the section and the Reinforcement Design. In the first case it is necessary to assign (in the same window) geometric data relating to the shape of the section and the numbers, diameters and covers of the bars, in the second simply assign the concrete geometric data and the covers of the two rows (without numbers and diameters of the bars) .

Section shape: in this drop-down menu you can choose one of the various shape of sections provided: Rectangular, T,  Rectangular with flanges. Depending on the choice made, appropriate text boxes appear for entering the dimensional data. The drawings shown above illustrates the input of a L section selecting the shape "Rectangular section with flanges" and filling the appropriate text boxes. Circular section are included in the General sections typology.

Concrete class: in this drop-down menu you can choose one of the concrete classes present in the Materials library.

Longitudinal reinforcement: in this drop-down menu you can choose one of the steel grade classes present in the Materials library.

Section sizes: for each of the provided shapes appear the appropriate text boxes to enter the sizes: the correspondence between the numerical data to be entered and the position of the corresponding sizes is always present in the graphic scheme at the top of  this Tab window.  

Lower cover: concrete cover [cm] of the lower row of bars measured from centroid of bars to lower fiber of concrete. This concrete cover should be assigned by the user respecting the minimum concrete cover required by §4.4.1 EC2. To this end it is available the separate program concrete cover  to load from the dedicate command in the principal Tab Bar. The cover to assign is measured from the centroid of the bar (different from edge cover obtained by cover sub-program). Between section results are always expected the edge cover of longitudinal and stirrups bars. No conformity check to EC2 rules - exposure class, strength class, etc. - is done by the program on these values.

Upper cover: concrete cover [cm] of the upper row of bars measured from centroid of bars. The same considerations carried out in the previous data.

Lateral cover: concrete cover [cm] of bars measured from centroid of bars to lateral edge fiber sides of the principal rectangular part of the section.

Bottom bars: a single row of bottom longitudinal bars may be assigned by input of their number and diameter. You may assign (in this same row) even bars of two different diameters. In this input the user must be careful to respect the maximum permitted spacing (see §8.2 EC2). Minimum spacing between longitudinal bars is calculated (as one of results) and compared with the value assigned in code and reinforcement options. If you want  to assign more than one row of bar you should input the section as a general section in General Data.

Top Bars: a single row of bottom longitudinal bars may be assigned by input of their number and diameter.

Web Bars: (not present in the above figure) two lateral web row are provided only for rectangular section of columns. The possible presence of these lateral bars increases bending and torsional resistance of the section.

Stirrups: in a verification calculation you may assign diameter and pitch of one or two hoop. You can also assign one or more cross-ties (if intermediate longitudinal bars are present). If  you assign the null value to the diameter (or to the pitch) the program performs the automatic design of stirrups using the user default diameters in code and reinforcement options.




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