Material archive

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Material archive

The materials archive command provides access to the tables shown in the following figures, from which it is possible to assign all the input parameters of the soils and any structural elements forming part of the model.


EN 2

Definition of land properties


EN 3

Definition of structural material properties



For each material, the usual geotechnical properties (volume weight, K0, deformation modulus, etc.), a decay law for the G/Gmax ratio and damping D, as a function of shear deformation, and the velocities VS and VP. In the definition of materials, a layer representing the bedrock must also be included, which will be considered in the software as a material with linear elastic and absorptive behaviour.


EN 4

Legge di decadimento



The initial Gmax and G0 are calculated automatically by the programme after entering the VS speed of the shear waves and the volume weight. The damping ratio is required as an aliquot of the critical damping ratio. Please refer to the Seismic Response Analysis section for Rayleigh Mass and Rayleigh Stiffness data.